Two men moving a chair

Manual handling innovations in manufacturing

The manufacturing industry is a dynamic sector that constantly evolves to meet the demands of efficiency, productivity and safety. One critical area of focus is manual handling - the process of lifting, moving or manipulating objects by hand. Innovations in this field are driven by the need to reduce workplace injuries, improve ergonomic conditions and enhance overall operational effectiveness. This briefing explores the latest developments in manual handling within the manufacturing industry.

Ergonomic equipment and tools
Modern ergonomic tools and equipment are designed to reduce strain and improve posture during manual handling tasks. These include:

  • Lift-assist devices: Equipment such as vacuum lifters, powered exoskeletons, and robotic arms help workers lift and move heavy objects with less physical strain.
  • Ergonomic workstations: Adjustable workbenches and tools that can be customised to individual worker needs to reduce awkward postures and repetitive strain injuries.

Wearable technology
Wearable devices are becoming more prevalent in manufacturing to monitor and improve manual handling practices:

  • Exoskeletons: These wearable devices support workers’ bodies during lifting and carrying tasks, reducing the risk of musculoskeletal disorders.
  • Smart wearables: Devices like smart belts or vests equipped with sensors can monitor posture and movements, providing real-time feedback to workers to correct their handling techniques.

Automation and robotics
The integration of automation and robotics into manual handling processes is transforming manufacturing:

  • Collaborative robots (cobots): Cobots work alongside human workers, handling repetitive or heavy tasks, thus reducing the physical burden on employees.
  • Automated guided vehicles (AGVs): These are used to transport materials around manufacturing facilities, minimising the need for manual lifting and carrying.

Advanced training programmes
Training programmes are increasingly incorporating technology to improve the effectiveness of manual handling training:

  • Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR): VR and AR are used to create realistic training environments where workers can practice manual handling techniques in a safe and controlled setting.
  • Interactive e-learning platforms: These platforms provide engaging and accessible training on proper manual handling techniques, which can be accessed remotely and on-demand.

Data analytics and monitoring
Data analytics is playing a significant role in enhancing manual handling practices:

  • Wearable sensors: Collect data on workers’ movements and postures, which can be analysed to identify high-risk activities and develop targeted interventions.
  • Predictive analytics: Use data to predict potential manual handling injuries and implement preventative measures.

Health and wellness programmes
Increasing focus on overall worker health and wellness is influencing manual handling practices:

  • Workplace wellness programmes: These programmes often include physical conditioning and stretching exercises designed to improve workers’ strength and flexibility, reducing the risk of injury.
  • Mental health support: Addressing stress and fatigue, which can impact manual handling safety, is becoming a priority through counselling and support programmes.

Sustainability initiatives
Sustainability is influencing manual handling in several ways:

  • Eco-friendly materials: The use of lighter, more sustainable materials for packaging and products can reduce the physical burden on workers.
  • Energy-efficient equipment: Adoption of energy-efficient manual handling equipment reduces the environmental impact and can enhance worker safety through advanced features.

The manufacturing industry is witnessing significant advancements in manual handling practices, driven by technology, ergonomics, data analytics and a focus on worker health and safety. By embracing these innovations, manufacturers can reduce the risk of injury, improve efficiency and create a safer, more productive work environment. As these trends continue to evolve, staying informed and adopting best practices will be crucial for maintaining a competitive edge and ensuring the wellbeing of the workforce.

International Workplace's Manual handling training course helps learners understand the risks and dangers associated with lifting and handling in the workplace and identify the steps that can be taken to reduce and control the risks and likelihood of injury.

By the end of the Manual handling awareness training course learners will be able to:

  • Understand the law around manual handling.
  • Be aware of accident statistics and risk of injury.
  • To provide an understanding of manual handling.
  • To identify the causes of injuries associated with manual handling and lower back pain.
  • Know and learn good manual handling techniques.
  • Know how to assess a manual handling activity.


Find out more here.